(abort "Incorrect OS version (software requires OS 21 or better )!")
; error handling
(if (> @ioerr 0)
("An error has occurred during installation. Please check the log file to understand the error.")
(exit (quiet))
;--- Standard Email and Website Funcion
(procedure WEBSTUFF
;--- set up message texts
(set #msg-sendmail "\n Would you like to send a quick message to the author of VirusZ?\n")
(set #msg-notnow "Not at this time.")
(set #msg-visit "\n\nVisit VirusHelp Denmark on the web?")
(set #msg-vhtdk "\n\nIf you select YES, your browser will open directed to www.vht-dk.dk, the Virus Help Denmark website. It is possible that your screen will change to your Browser's screen. VirusZ has already been installed on your system, and this portion is purely optional.")
(set #msg-yes "Yes")
(set #msg-no "No")
(set #msg-browser "\n\nPointing your browser to www.vht-dk.dk at this time. You may proceed and exit this installer.")
(set #sendmail
(prompt #msg-sendmail)
(help @askchoice-help)
#msg-notnow ;-- 0
"Georg Höermann" ;-- 1
(default 0)
(if (= #sendmail 1)
(run "openurl mailto:ghoermann@gmx.de"
(set #visit
(prompt #msg-visit)
(help #msg-vhtdk)
(default 1)
(if (= #visit 1)
(message #msg-browser)
(run "openurl http://www.vht-dk.dk"
;--- End Intenet Area ---
(set #vz-dest
(prompt "Please choose the installation path: \n Note: A directory named VirusZ will be created.")
(help "Installation creates a new folder for VirusZ in the path you specify.")
(default @default-dest)
(makedir (tackon #vz-dest "VirusZ") (infos))
(set @default-dest (tackon #vz-dest "VirusZ"))
; --- insert your code below ---
(source "/VirusZ")
(dest @default-dest)
(pattern "#?")
(optional "fail")
(working "Testing required libraries.")
(set #report-msg "Library Report ( in Libs: )\n====================\n")